Friday, November 15, 2013

Human as we are

                Mistakes, errors, mga pagkakamali - Everyone makes them. There is no one alive in this world that could ever claim that he/she has never done a single mistake. "Mistakes are already a part of our lives" that's what most people say. Mistakes make us learn things in a whole new perspective. They help us grow and understand things as we go through life.

                If there is one thing that I could assure you, that is the fact that mistakes are almost always accompanied by excuses. Excuses are a part of human psychology. Excuses, somehow, help man to understand the things that have happened and they help man lessen the burden of their human conscience through reasoning.

                "Human as we are" that is one of the common excuses people make. I serves as an excuse for us whenever we make mistakes and an excuse for our imperfections. According to most people, "Only God is perfect", but is that really true? or is it just used as an excuse? For me, one cannot really be perfect but he/she could be close to being one.

                The excuse "Human as we are" serves as a limitation for us to do and to perform our very best. It limits us and our potential to overcome the standards and the norm. People should stop saying such things and making excuses for they should try to go beyond the expected results.

                One should start taking risks, going beyond their comfort zones and explore the world. Make mistakes but never regret them for in every mistake and failure you make, comes something far more valuable - and that is wisdom.

                Go out into the world and experience new things, trials and activities. Who knows, you might even surprise yourself with the results.


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